February 2017

2017 is off to a GREAT start

By |2020-06-16T08:09:20-07:00February 22nd, 2017|adopt, Dog Rescue, Dog Toys, Foster, Pet Healthcare, rescue, special needs dogs, Uncategorized|

 2017 has gotten off on the right paw!   Six of our pups have been adopted and 3 more are in the wings just waiting for home visits Daniel   Habika Olive     Feta Percy Jack Quincy will be saying "Ciao y'all" on [...]

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September 2016

We have now entered our Grey Period

By |2020-06-16T08:09:20-07:00September 4th, 2016|Dog Rescue, Pet Healthcare, rescue, special needs dogs|

Over the last few months we have pulled 4 grey mastiff type dogs from the South LA shelter.   Just a few shades off from our normal black dogs but these boys really needed us.   Big Daddy was a hunka burning love that we couldn’t pass up.  He’s been adopted into a great family that [...]

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March 2016

Claws on Paws

By |2020-06-16T08:09:21-07:00March 10th, 2016|Pet Healthcare, Uncategorized|

Important Facts to Prevent "Claw Damage" and Keep Your Pet's Feet Healthy By Jon Bernstein, DVM Claws are complex structures that are derived from modified skin tissue overlying bone of the end of the digit.  Claws serve many functions, including prehension, predation, aggression, defense, and locomotion. Despite these attributes, claws are sometimes a cause for [...]

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September 2015

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth – Caring for your Dog’s Teeth

By |2020-06-16T08:09:22-07:00September 28th, 2015|Pet Healthcare|

LOS ANGELES, CA - Although this proverb may have some merit for interpersonal  relationships it is not in the best interest of the horse.  Nor is it a good idea to ignore the oral cavity of your dog or car.  Dental enamel is the hardest substance in the body, yet the teeth and gums represent [...]

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August 2015

Tick Talk

By |2020-06-16T08:09:22-07:00August 28th, 2015|Pet Healthcare, Ticks|

by Dr. Bernstein LOS ANGELES, CA - With the passage of time, changes occur in our environment. One of the indicators of this change is variation in the plant and animal species in our community. In my early years of practice, I would rarely see a dog with a tick. If a dog presented with [...]

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May 2014

Vaccines – An Ounce of Prevention

By |2016-05-28T16:28:22-07:00May 28th, 2014|Pet Healthcare, Vaccinations|

by Dr. Bernstein LOS ANGELES, CA - Can you imagine a world without vaccines? A world with diphtheria, typhoid, poliomyelitis, smallpox, and rabies running rampant through the population? Fortunately, prevention against many serious diseases is readily available. Our animal population is likewise protected against many serious diseases by vaccination. Just as a pregnant animal is [...]

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February 2009

 Don’t Let Allergies Split Up Your Family

By |2020-06-16T08:09:23-07:00February 28th, 2009|Pet Healthcare, Safety Tips|

How to Keep the Family Dog When Your Child is Allergic The story is all-too-familiar. Fido has been a part of the family for years and suddenly your child experiences an allergic reaction to your beloved family pet. Rashes, plugged nose, itching -- it's unbearable to see a child suffer. As soon as you see [...]

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January 2008

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Dog

By |2016-05-28T16:08:45-07:00January 10th, 2008|Pet Healthcare|

LOS ANGELES - It is that time of year again - time to make our New Year's Resolutions. For some, this can be a bittersweet crossroads as the excitement of new possibilities is met by memories of abandoned resolutions in years past. Here at the Squad, however, our furry friends have taught us one invaluable [...]

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