December 2023

Tips for Pet Owners moving to a new Neighborhood

By |2023-12-21T10:30:38-08:00December 21st, 2023|adopt, Dog Toys, dogs, donations, fun, rescue, Vaccinations|

  Being a good pet owner is an important responsibility, and it’s even more important when you’re moving into a new neighborhood. It can be difficult to adjust to the different rules, regulations, and dynamics of your new community, so here are tips from The Dawg Squad to help make the transition easier for both [...]

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May 2014

Vaccines – An Ounce of Prevention

By |2016-05-28T16:28:22-07:00May 28th, 2014|Pet Healthcare, Vaccinations|

by Dr. Bernstein LOS ANGELES, CA - Can you imagine a world without vaccines? A world with diphtheria, typhoid, poliomyelitis, smallpox, and rabies running rampant through the population? Fortunately, prevention against many serious diseases is readily available. Our animal population is likewise protected against many serious diseases by vaccination. Just as a pregnant animal is [...]

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