First, we want to thank you for participating in our first online auction. It was a learning experience and it was fun! Keep checking back for new items.Who like Rottweilers?
Harold also impressed us with his social skills. This guy has lots of energy and needs a back yard or an active family to keep him busy. He’s actually going to “summer camp” to burn off some energy and learn some leash and house manners. He’ll be ready for adoption in September but get your application in now. He won’t be here long!
These guys came in with some medical issues but you KNOW these are our favorite types of pups.
Abbott is a 3-4 year old Landseer Newfoundland who has some pretty gnarly skin issues. He’ll be ready to go in about a month. His skin should be well on its way to healing by then.
Gabi is a 3 month old Chihuahua mix who had a run in with someone/something and broke her back leg. Her owner couldn’t afford to help her so he turned her into the Squad. Her cast should be off in about 3 weeks and she’ll be good to go.
Couldn’t stand it when we saw that Barney had been turned into the shelter at the age of 17! Our vet says he’s anywhere between 14 and 17. He’s deaf, partially sighted, arthritic and one of the goofiest dogs ever. He still has a zest for life and is keeping his foster Mom busy.
When we picked up this sweet girl two weeks ago she couldn’t stand up. She wasn’t even able to hold her head up to eat. She needed to be held up to go potty. We immediately took her to our vet to make sure she wasn’t in pain. We had been told she was 13 years old. Our vet thinks she’s only 4 years old. After blood work and x-rays, she was diagnosed with diabetes and assorted other complications. The vet was realistic and told us what the odds of survival/improvement were. We decided to give her a month on insulin and whatever else she needed. If she didn’t improve or seemed in pain we would help her transition.
Within a few days she was able to stand on her own. Within a week she was able to walk outside on her own. She still has a long road ahead of her. She also has pyometria but we wanted to let her gain some strength before doing surgery. Every day she amazes her fosters with her will to live. We named her Flower. We were hoping she would bloom.

We rescue them, we fix them and we find them
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